In a glass or stainless steel pot, bring 8 cups water to a boil turn off heat. Add dry herbs and cover tightly. Let stand 8 hours or overnight refrigerate when cool. Remove zest of the 3 lemons with paring knife, chop coarsely and combine with 2 1/2 cups water in saucepan. Cover and simmer 23 minutes. Remove from heat and allow to cool until lukewarm. Rmove zest and add syrup and honey to the sweet water and lemon juice to make a double strength lemonade base. To serve combine equal parts lemonade base, herbal tea and water adjusting taste as desired. Chill and s erve in glasses or a punch bowl garnished with edible flowers, fresh herbs, or lemon slices. Lemonade base and herb te can be stored in covered glass jars for 34 days in the refrigerator. Serves 1520.