
Related Terms

Bazuco (Spanish), Bolivian coca, Bolivianischer Kokastrauch (German), coca (English, French, Portuguese, Spanish), coca leaves, coca paste, cocaine, cocaine hydrochloride, cocaine plant, cocaine salt, Erythroxylaceae (Family), Erythroxylon (former Genus), Erythroxylum (Genus), Erythroxylum coca, Erythroxylum coca var. coca, Erythroxylum coca var. ipadu, Erythroxylum novogranatense var. novogranatense, Erythroxylum novogranatense var. truxillense, espadu (Portuguese), honger-en-dorstboom (Dutch), Huanuco coca, koka (Polish, Slovakian), koka prav? (Czechoslovakian), koka sort (Dutch), kokacserje (Hungarian), kokainovn?k prav? (Czechoslovakian), kokaplante (Danish), Kokastrauch (German), mamas coca (Quechua), mumus (Quechua), pitillo (Spanish).
Note: There are four types of plants from the coca plant family that are typically grown in South America, including E. coca var. coca, E. novogranatense var. novogranatense, E. coca var. ipadu, and E. novogranatense var. truxillense.
This monograph includes information on the coca plant and coca plant products, such as coca leaves, coca leaf tea, as well as cocaine. Coca leaves and cocaine are two different products. Cocaine is a compound present in the leaves of the coca plant and is an addictive stimulant that is potentially toxic, particularly in large quantities or with long-term use. Cocaine abuse has resulted in increased illness and death.
The growth, sale, and possession of cocaine are illegal in most countries. Unprocessed coca leaf, however, may be legal in some South American countries because the use of coca leaves has traditionally been considered to be a part of the culture. To prevent cocaine production, coca plant farming is often limited in these countries.
This monograph does not include information on prescription cocaine hydrochloride.


The coca plant (Erythroxylum coca), or "coca," is native to the Andean region in western South America. Coca leaves have been used widely by native South American tribes for thousands of years. It has been suggested that the use of the coca plant was originally reserved for priests and royalty in ancient South America and was used for religious purposes.
Traditionally, coca plant products have been used for reducing pain, decreasing hunger, and for their stimulating effects. Cocaine, a compound taken from the coca plant, is a highly addictive stimulant.
In the late 19th century, the use of cocaine for local anesthesia was popularized. Cocaine found its way into many different products including prescription drugs, medicine, and popular soda drinks (including the original Coca-Cola?). In modern times, cocaine's use in anesthesia is limited, due to the negative effects of cocaine and risk for addiction and death.
Coca leaves have been used for treating cocaine dependence. Coca leaves have also been used for exercise tolerance and hypoglycemia (low blood sugar). Illegal use of cocaine has had negative effects on antisocial behavior and general health. Further study is needed.

Evidence Table

These uses have been tested in humans or animals. Safety and effectiveness have not always been proven. Some of these conditions are potentially serious, and should be evaluated by a qualified healthcare provider. GRADE *
These uses have been tested in humans or animals. Safety and effectiveness have not always been proven. Some of these conditions are potentially serious, and should be evaluated by a qualified healthcare provider. GRADE *

In athletes training in the Andes, coca infusions have been studied for their use in helping to adapt to high altitudes. Coca leaf tea has displayed promising effects on exercise performance and improving low blood sugar in high-altitude settings. Further study is needed.


In athletes training in the Andes, coca infusions have been studied for their use in helping to adapt to high altitudes. Coca leaf tea has displayed promising effects on exercise performance and improving low blood sugar in high-altitude settings. Further study is needed.


Coca leaves have been used in mixtures for surgery due to their anesthetic effects. The Inca used maize, datura (of the nightshade family), espingo (a psychotropic fruit), tobacco, San Pedro cactus, and coca to prepare an alcoholic beverage used to induce unconsciousness for surgeries. Further study is needed on the use of the coca plant alone.


Coca leaves have been used in mixtures for surgery due to their anesthetic effects. The Inca used maize, datura (of the nightshade family), espingo (a psychotropic fruit), tobacco, San Pedro cactus, and coca to prepare an alcoholic beverage used to induce unconsciousness for surgeries. Further study is needed on the use of the coca plant alone.


Coca leaves have been suggested as a possible treatment for cocaine and cocaine base abuse. Further study is needed before a conclusion may be drawn.


Coca leaves have been suggested as a possible treatment for cocaine and cocaine base abuse. Further study is needed before a conclusion may be drawn.


The effects of coca use on responses to exercise have been studied. Preliminary evidence shows that coca use may boost exercise tolerance. Further study is needed before conclusions may be drawn.


The effects of coca use on responses to exercise have been studied. Preliminary evidence shows that coca use may boost exercise tolerance. Further study is needed before conclusions may be drawn.


Early studies show that chewing coca leaves may improve low blood sugar. Although not well studied in humans, some parts of coca have caused high blood sugar. Further study is needed before a firm conclusion may be drawn.


Early studies show that chewing coca leaves may improve low blood sugar. Although not well studied in humans, some parts of coca have caused high blood sugar. Further study is needed before a firm conclusion may be drawn.

* Key to grades

A: Strong scientific evidence for this use
B: Good scientific evidence for this use
C: Unclear scientific evidence for this use
D: Fair scientific evidence for this use (it may not work)
F: Strong scientific evidence against this use (it likley does not work)
* Key to grades

A: Strong scientific evidence for this use
B: Good scientific evidence for this use
C: Unclear scientific evidence for this use
D: Fair scientific evidence for this use (it may not work)
F: Strong scientific evidence against this use (it likley does not work)

Tradition / Theory

The below uses are based on tradition, scientific theories, or limited research. They often have not been thoroughly tested in humans, and safety and effectiveness have not always been proven. Some of these conditions are potentially serious, and should be evaluated by a qualified healthcare provider. There may be other proposed uses that are not listed below.


Adults (18 years and older)
Drinking coca tea is a common practice in several South American countries. Coca tea bags normally contain about one gram of leaves.
For cocaine dependence, chewing 100-200 grams of coca leaf per week for about 27 months has been used.
For exercise performance, 15-16 grams of coca leaves (providing 0.4%-0.7% cocaine) has been chewed for one hour; "unlimited" or "usual" amounts of coca leaves for chewers and 4.5 grams non-chewers have been chewed for one hour.
For hypoglycemia (low blood sugar), an unknown amount of coca leaves has been chewed for thirty minutes.


The U.S. Food and Drug Administration does not strictly regulate herbs and supplements. There is no guarantee of strength, purity or safety of products, and effects may vary. You should always read product labels. If you have a medical condition, or are taking other drugs, herbs, or supplements, you should speak with a qualified healthcare provider before starting a new therapy. Consult a healthcare provider immediately if you experience side effects.


Interactions with Drugs
Coca (including cocaine) may raise blood sugar levels. Caution is advised when using medications that may also alter blood sugar. People taking drugs for diabetes by mouth or insulin should be monitored closely by a qualified healthcare professional, including a pharmacist. Medication adjustments may be necessary.
Coca (including cocaine) may cause high blood pressure. Caution is advised in people taking drugs that raise blood pressure.
Coca (including cocaine) may also interact with agents that affect the nervous system, agents that induce muscle breakdown, alcohol, anesthetics, caffeine, calcium salts, cannabinoids, insecticides, iron salts, progestins, stimulants, or weight loss agents.


This information is based on a systematic review of scientific literature edited and peer-reviewed by contributors to the Natural Standard Research Collaboration (


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Caris, L., Anthony, C. B., R?os-Bedoya, C. F., and Anthony, J.C. Behavioral problems and the occurrence of tobacco, cannabis, and coca paste smoking in Chile: evidence based on multivariate response models for school survey data. Drug Alcohol Depend. 2009 Sep 1;104(1-2):50-55. Epub 2009 May 14.
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Favier, R., Caceres, E., Koubi, H., Sempore, B., Sauvain, M., and Spielvogel, H. Effects of coca chewing on hormonal and metabolic responses during prolonged submaximal exercise. J Appl Physiol. 1996 Feb;80(2):650-655.
Galarza Guzm?n, M., Pe?aloza Ima?a, R., Echalar Afcha, L., Aguilar Valerio, M., Spielvogel, H., and Sauvain, M. [Effects of coca chewing on the glucose tolerance test]. Medicina (B Aires). 1997;57(3):261-264.
Grzybowski A. Cocaine and the eye: a historical overview. Ophthalmologica. 2008;222(5):296-301. Epub 2008 Jun 20.
Hanna, J. M. The effects of coca chewing on exercise in the Quechua of Peru. Hum Biol. 1970 Feb;42(1):1-11.
Hurtado-Gumucio, J. Coca leaf chewing as therapy for cocaine maintenance. Ann Med Interne (Paris). 2000 Oct;151 Suppl B:B44-B48.
Lippi, G., Plebani, M., and Cervellin, G. Cocaine in acute myocardial infarction. Adv.Clin.Chem. 2010;51:53-70.
Middleton, R. M., and Kirkpatrick, M. B. Clinical use of cocaine. A review of the risks and benefits. Drug Saf. 1993 Sep;9(3):212-217.
Sharkey, J., Ritz, M. C., Schenden, J. A., Hanson, R. C., and Kuhar, M. J. Cocaine inhibits muscarinic cholinergic receptors in heart and brain. J Pharmacol Exp Ther. 1988 Sep;246(3):1048-1052.
Spielvogel, H., Caceres, E., Koubi, H., Sempore, B., Sauvain, M., and Favier, R. Effects of coca chewing on metabolic and hormonal changes during graded incremental exercise to maximum. J Appl Physiol. 1996 Feb;80(2):643-649.
Zimmerman, J. L. Cocaine intoxication. Crit Care Clin 2012;28(4):517-526.