
Hyoscyamine/Drug Interactions:

  • AlcoholAlcohol: Concurrent use of hyoscyamine and alcohol may result in decreased hyoscyamine efficacy (theoretical).
  • AluminumAluminum: Concurrent use of hyoscyamine and aluminum-containing products may result in decreased hyoscyamine efficacy (theoretical).
  • AnticholinergicsAnticholinergics: Hyoscyamine, itself an anticholinergic drug, may cause additive adverse effects when used in combination with other anticholinergics.
  • AntihypertensivesAntihypertensives: Hyoscyamine has modulated blood pressure and pulse rate in some, but not all, studies (38; 12; 13; 14; 15; 16; 17; 18).
  • Anti-inflammatory agentsAnti-inflammatory agents: Based on human evidence, topical application of Unguentum lymphaticum? (UL), containing hyoscyamine, has been found to reduce inflammation (40).
  • CalciumCalcium: Concurrent use of hyoscyamine and calcium-containing products may result in decreased hyoscyamine efficacy (theoretical).
  • CisaprideCisapride: Concurrent use of hyoscyamine and cisapride may result in loss of cisapride efficacy (theoretical).
  • CNS depressantsCNS depressants: Concurrent use of hyoscyamine and CNS depressants may cause additive CNS depressants effects (theoretical).
  • MagnesiumMagnesium: Concurrent use of hyoscyamine and magnesium-containing products may result in decreased hyoscyamine efficacy (theoretical).
  • TopiramateTopiramate: Based on secondary sources, concurrent use of hyoscyamine and topiramate may result in reduced topiramate levels and efficacy, and increase the risk of CNS depression and psychomotor impairment.
  • Hyoscyamine/Herb/Supplement Interactions:

  • AluminumAluminum: Concurrent use of hyoscyamine and aluminum-containing products may result in decreased hyoscyamine efficacy (theoretical).
  • Anticholinergic herbsAnticholinergic herbs: Hyoscyamine, itself an anticholinergic drug, may cause additive adverse effects when used in combination with other anticholinergics.
  • Anti-inflammatory herbsAnti-inflammatory herbs: Based on human evidence, topical application of Unguentum lymphaticum? (UL), containing hyoscyamine, has been found to reduce inflammation (40).
  • BelladonnaBelladonna: Concurrent use of belladonna and hyoscyamine may result in excessive anticholinergic activity, including severe dry mouth, constipation, decreased urination, excessive sedation, and blurred vision (theoretical).
  • CalciumCalcium: Concurrent use of hyoscyamine and calcium-containing products may result in decreased hyoscyamine efficacy (theoretical).
  • HypotensivesHypotensives: Hyoscyamine has modulated blood pressure and pulse rate in some, but not all, studies (38; 12; 13; 14; 15; 16; 17; 18).
  • MagnesiumMagnesium: Concurrent use of hyoscyamine and magnesium-containing products may result in decreased hyoscyamine efficacy (theoretical).
  • Potassium chloridePotassium chloride: Concurrent use of hyoscyamine and potassium chloride may result in risk of gastrointestinal lesions (theoretical).
  • SedativesSedatives: Concurrent use of hyoscyamine and CNS depressants may cause additive CNS depressants effects (theoretical).
  • Hyoscyamine /Food Interactions:

  • Insufficient available evidence.
  • Hyoscyamine /Lab Interactions:

  • Blood pressureBlood pressure: Hypertension, hypotension, and no blood pressure changes have been reported in various clinical trials (12; 13; 14; 15; 16; 17; 18).
  • Heart rateHeart rate: Hyoscyamine use commonly been reported to cause increased heart rate (12; 8; 36; 15; 14; 19; 17; 18).