Levisticum officinale
Lovage/Drug Interactions:
Anticoagulants (warfarin, heparin)Anticoagulants (warfarin, heparin): Additive effects are possible. Studies have shown lovage to contain coumarins (12). DiureticsDiuretics: Lovage has been used to treat a variety of conditions including its use as a diuretic, and for regulation of menses (1).Lovage/Herb/Supplement Interactions:
AnticoagulantsAnticoagulants: Theoretically, lovage should be avoided in patients using other herbal medications that have anticoagulant properties (i.e., garlic) due to possible additive effects. Studies have shown lovage to contain coumarins which may theoretically have anticoagulant properties (12). DiureticsDiuretics: Lovage has been used to treat a variety of conditions including its use as a diuretic, and for regulation of menses (1).Lovage/Food Interactions:
Insufficient evidence for recommendation.Lovage/Lab Interactions:
Coagulation panelCoagulation panel: Theoretically, lovage may alter the results of these tests due to anticoagulant effects from coumarin (12).