Nux vomica

Nux vomica/Drug Interactions:

  • Anti-psychotics, phenothiazinesAnti-psychotics, phenothiazines: These drugs are contraindicated in individuals with symptoms of poisoning, as they may compound the symptoms exhibited by the patient according to secondary sources.
  • Hepatotoxic drugsHepatotoxic drugs: "The Complete German Commission E Monographs: Therapeutic Guide to Herbal Medicines" notes that the strychnine in nux vomica can accumulate in the liver with extended administration, and especially in those with liver damage (6).
  • Nux vomica/Herb/Supplement Interactions:

  • Hepatotoxic herbsHepatotoxic herbs: "The Complete German Commission E Monographs: Therapeutic Guide to Herbal Medicines" notes that the strychnine in nux vomica can accumulate in the liver with extended administration, and especially in those with liver damage (6).
  • Nux vomica/Food Interactions:

  • Insufficient available evidence.
  • Nux vomica/Lab Interactions:

  • UrinalysisUrinalysis: Based on a human study, urinalysis detected maximum urinary concentrations of 22.6-176ng/mL within 24 hours of ingesting 380?g strychnine (11).