
Octacosanol/Nutrient Depletion:

  • GlucoseGlucose: Based on a clinical study in elderly patients with type II hyperlipidemia administered 10mg policosanol, octacosanol (the main component of policosanol) may significantly reduce glucose levels, but may not influence glycemic control of patients with type 2 diabetes (28; 39).
  • LipidsLipids: Based on clinical studies of policosanol 5-40mg, octacosanol (the main component of policosanol) may significantly reduce total cholesterol, LDL-C, and the ratios of LDL-C to HDL-C and total cholesterol to HDL-C, and increase HDL-C (17; 46; 19; 21; 22; 48; 23; 25; 26; 10; 27; 28; 14; 11; 29; 30; 1; 33; 34; 12; 35). Based on a clinical trial using policosanol, octacosanol (the main component of policosanol) may not change triglyceride levels (19; 23; 14; 30). However, in clinical trials up to three years long, policosanol decreased triglyceride levels (28; 11; 25).