Related Terms
- Amino acid, butanoic acid, C5H11NO2S, D-methionine, essential amino acid, L-methionine, M, Met, metioniini (Finnish), methionin (Czech, Danish), Methionin (German), metionin (Czech, Danish, Faroese, Norwegian, Swedish), metion?n (Slovenian), metionina (Hungarian, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish), m?thionine (French), nonpolar amino acid, S-adensyl-L- methionine (SAMe).
- Methionine is one of nine essential amino acids, so called because they cannot be made by the human body and must be obtained through the diet. Sources of methionine include protein-rich foods such as beef, chicken, fish, liver, pork, cottage cheese, eggs, lentils, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, and yogurt.
- Supplementary L-methionine has been used to treat symptoms of Parkinson's disease, insomnia, and severe acetaminophen (e.g., Tylenol?) poisoning. In addition, increased dietary intake of methionine has been shown to reduce the risk of a specific type of brain and spinal cord birth defect known as neural tube defects (NTDs). More well-designed human studies are needed to determine if methionine is safe and effective for treating any medical condition.
- Very high doses of supplementary methionine have been shown to increase levels of the amino acid homocysteine. High homocysteine levels are a risk factor for heart disease. Some studies have suggested links between methionine and cancer, but more research is needed before firm conclusions can be made.
Evidence Table
These uses have been tested in humans or animals. Safety and effectiveness have not always been proven. Some of these conditions are potentially serious, and should be evaluated by a qualified healthcare provider. |
These uses have been tested in humans or animals. Safety and effectiveness have not always been proven. Some of these conditions are potentially serious, and should be evaluated by a qualified healthcare provider. |
Several studies have investigated the use of methionine for treatment of acetaminophen (e.g., Tylenol?) overdose. In a study of patients with acetaminophen poisoning, methionine worked as well as standard treatment with acetylcysteine in preventing major liver damage and death. Further study is required before any conclusion can be made.
C |
Several studies have investigated the use of methionine for treatment of acetaminophen (e.g., Tylenol?) overdose. In a study of patients with acetaminophen poisoning, methionine worked as well as standard treatment with acetylcysteine in preventing major liver damage and death. Further study is required before any conclusion can be made.
C |
A small, preliminary human study showed that L-methionine may help relieve chronic insomnia in AIDS patients. Additional research on methionine as a therapy for insomnia is needed.
C |
A small, preliminary human study showed that L-methionine may help relieve chronic insomnia in AIDS patients. Additional research on methionine as a therapy for insomnia is needed.
C |
Results of a human study revealed a lower risk of neural tube defects (birth defects of the brain and spinal cord) in the fetuses of women who had relatively higher dietary intake of methionine near the time that they became pregnant. Additional research is needed to investigate the roles of dietary and supplemental methionine in reducing this type of birth defect.
C |
Results of a human study revealed a lower risk of neural tube defects (birth defects of the brain and spinal cord) in the fetuses of women who had relatively higher dietary intake of methionine near the time that they became pregnant. Additional research is needed to investigate the roles of dietary and supplemental methionine in reducing this type of birth defect.
C |
Supplementary methionine helped reduce some clinical symptoms of Parkinson's disease in a small human study. More high quality studies are needed to clearly determine the effectiveness of methionine in the treatment of Parkinson's symptoms.
C |
Supplementary methionine helped reduce some clinical symptoms of Parkinson's disease in a small human study. More high quality studies are needed to clearly determine the effectiveness of methionine in the treatment of Parkinson's symptoms.
C | * Key to grades
A: Strong scientific evidence for this use B: Good scientific evidence for this use C: Unclear scientific evidence for this use D: Fair scientific evidence for this use (it may not work) F: Strong scientific evidence against this use (it likley does not work)
| * Key to grades
A: Strong scientific evidence for this use B: Good scientific evidence for this use C: Unclear scientific evidence for this use D: Fair scientific evidence for this use (it may not work) F: Strong scientific evidence against this use (it likley does not work)
| Tradition / Theory
The below uses are based on tradition, scientific theories, or limited research. They often have not been thoroughly tested in humans, and safety and effectiveness have not always been proven. Some of these conditions are potentially serious, and should be evaluated by a qualified healthcare provider. There may be other proposed uses that are not listed below.
Adults (18 years and older)
- The dietary reference intake recommendation for methionine and cysteine combined is 25 milligrams per gram of protein.
- For acetaminophen (e.g., Tylenol?) toxicity, 2.5 grams of methionine has been taken by mouth every four hours for four doses with good results when given within 10 hours after acetaminophen use.
- For insomnia, 500 milligrams of methionine has been taken by mouth just before bedtime.
- For Parkinson's disease, 5 grams of methionine has been taken by mouth daily for two weeks to six months.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration does not strictly regulate herbs and supplements. There is no guarantee of strength, purity or safety of products, and effects may vary. You should always read product labels. If you have a medical condition, or are taking other drugs, herbs, or supplements, you should speak with a qualified healthcare provider before starting a new therapy. Consult a healthcare provider immediately if you experience side effects.
Interactions with Drugs
- Methionine may interact with anticancer agents (including cisplatin and 5-fluorouracil), agents that elevate homocysteine levels (including fenofibrate, niacin, metformin, antiseizure drugs, levodopa, and methotrexate), and agents that may damage the liver.
This information is based on a systematic review of scientific literature edited and peer-reviewed by contributors to the Natural Standard Research Collaboration (www.naturalstandard.com).
Btaiche IF and Khalidi N. Parenteral nutrition-associated liver complications in children. Pharmacotherapy 2002;22(2):188-211.
Cagnacci A, Generali M, Pirillo D, et al. Effects of low- or high-dose hormone therapy on fasting and post-methionine homocysteine levels in postmenopausal women. Climacteric 2006;9(5):388-95.
Cellarier E, Durando X, Vasson MP, et al. Methionine dependency and cancer treatment. Cancer Treat.Rev 2003;29(6):489-499.
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Hamlyn AN, Lesna M, Record CO, et al. Methionine and cysteamine in paracetamol (acetaminophen) overdose, prospective controlled trial of early therapy. J Int Med Res 1981;9(3):226-231.
Hanratty CG, McGrath LT, McAuley DF, et al. The effects of oral methionine and homocysteine on endothelial function. Heart 2001;85(3):326-330.
Larsson SC, Giovannucci E, Wolk A. Methionine and vitamin B6 intake and risk of pancreatic cancer: a prospective study of Swedish women and men. Gastroenterology 2007;132(1):113-118.
Moss RL, Haynes AL, Pastuszyn A, et al. Methionine infusion reproduces liver injury of parenteral nutrition cholestasis. Pediatr Res 1999;45(5 Pt 1):664-668.
Shaw GM, Velie EM, Schaffer DM. Is dietary intake of methionine associated with a reduction in risk for neural tube defect-affected pregnancies? Teratology 1997;56(5):295-299.
Shoob HD, Sargent RG, Thompson SJ, et al. Dietary methionine is involved in the etiology of neural tube defect-affected pregnancies in humans. J Nutr 2001;131(10):2653-2658.
Tan Y, Zavala J Sr, Xu M, et al. Serum methionine depletion without side effects by methioninase in metastatic breast cancer patients. Anticancer Res 1996;16(6C):3937-3942.
Trumbo P, Schlicker S, Yates AA, et al. Dietary reference intakes for energy, carbohydrate, fiber, fat, fatty acids, cholesterol, protein and amino acids. J Am Diet Assoc 2002;102(11):1621-1630.
Van Brummelen R, du Toit D. L-methionine as immune supportive supplement: a clinical evaluation. Amino Acids 2007;33(1):157-63.
Ward M, McNulty H, McPartlin J, et al. Effect of supplemental methionine on plasma homocysteine concentrations in healthy men: a preliminary study. Int J Vitam Nutr Res 2001;71(1):82-86.