Related Terms
- 7,8-Dimethyl-10 (1'-D-ribityl) isoalloxazine, Ashbya gossypii, B-complex vitamin, Dolo-Neurotrat?, FAD, flavin, flavin adenine dinucleotide, flavin mononucleotide, flavine, FMN, glycosylated riboflavin, lactoflavin, riboflavin 5'-monophosphate, riboflavin-5-phosphate, riboflavina, riboflavine, riboflavinum D 2914A, vitamin B2, vitamin G.
- Riboflavin is a water-soluble B vitamin involved in vital metabolic processes in the body. It is necessary for normal cell function, growth, and energy production. Small amounts of riboflavin are present in most animal and plant tissues. The most common forms of riboflavin available in supplements are riboflavin and riboflavin 5'-monophosphate. Riboflavin is most commonly found in multivitamin and vitamin B-complex preparations.
- Healthy people who eat a balanced diet rarely need riboflavin supplements. Especially good dietary sources of riboflavin are milk (and other dairy products), eggs, enriched cereals/grains, meats, liver, and green vegetables, such as asparagus or broccoli. Intake may be lower in vegans than in non-vegetarians or lacto-ovo-vegetarians. Deficiencies can occur in certain parts of the world due to seasonal changes in dietary intakes. Other groups susceptible to riboflavin deficiency include the elderly, those with chronic illness, the poor, and alcoholics.
- Although riboflavin is an essential nutrient with a potential for deficiency in some populations, there is recent concern about high intakes of riboflavin (for example, in people using hundreds of milligrams for migraine prevention). These levels should be used only under the supervision of a healthcare provider. Unused excess riboflavin is eliminated in the urine, giving it a yellow-green color.
- Riboflavin has been studied for its use with migraine headaches, cataracts, high homocysteine (amino acid) in the blood, depression, and other disorders. It also has uses for iron-deficiency anemia and it can be used as a tracer to determine if medications have been taken.
Evidence Table
These uses have been tested in humans or animals. Safety and effectiveness have not always been proven. Some of these conditions are potentially serious, and should be evaluated by a qualified healthcare provider. |
These uses have been tested in humans or animals. Safety and effectiveness have not always been proven. Some of these conditions are potentially serious, and should be evaluated by a qualified healthcare provider. |
Light therapy used to treat jaundice may break down riboflavin. Thus riboflavin is included in light therapy treatment of neonatal jaundice.
A |
Light therapy used to treat jaundice may break down riboflavin. Thus riboflavin is included in light therapy treatment of neonatal jaundice.
A |
Although riboflavin deficiency is relatively uncommon in developed countries, its rapid excretion in the urine means that unless dietary intakes are constant, deficiency can occur. Riboflavin supplementation corrects riboflavin deficiency by restoring levels of the vitamin.
A |
Although riboflavin deficiency is relatively uncommon in developed countries, its rapid excretion in the urine means that unless dietary intakes are constant, deficiency can occur. Riboflavin supplementation corrects riboflavin deficiency by restoring levels of the vitamin.
A |
Studies suggest that correction of riboflavin deficiency in individuals who are both riboflavin-deficient and iron-deficient appears to improve response to iron therapy. Additional research is needed in this area.
C |
Studies suggest that correction of riboflavin deficiency in individuals who are both riboflavin-deficient and iron-deficient appears to improve response to iron therapy. Additional research is needed in this area.
C |
Low riboflavin status is associated with risk of esophageal (throat) cancer. Some research suggests riboflavin may play a role in the prevention of esophageal cancer. Further studies are needed before a conclusion can be made.
C |
Low riboflavin status is associated with risk of esophageal (throat) cancer. Some research suggests riboflavin may play a role in the prevention of esophageal cancer. Further studies are needed before a conclusion can be made.
C |
Low riboflavin levels may be a risk factor for developing cataracts. Early research suggests that a combination of riboflavin and zinc may prevent cataracts in the healthy elderly. Additional evidence is needed before a clear conclusion can be made.
C |
Low riboflavin levels may be a risk factor for developing cataracts. Early research suggests that a combination of riboflavin and zinc may prevent cataracts in the healthy elderly. Additional evidence is needed before a clear conclusion can be made.
C |
Adequate levels of nutrients, including riboflavin, may be required for normal cognitive function. Further research is needed before a conclusion can be made.
C |
Adequate levels of nutrients, including riboflavin, may be required for normal cognitive function. Further research is needed before a conclusion can be made.
C |
Treatment with B vitamins, including riboflavin, may decrease symptoms of depression in patients taking tricyclic antidepressants. Further research is needed in this area.
C |
Treatment with B vitamins, including riboflavin, may decrease symptoms of depression in patients taking tricyclic antidepressants. Further research is needed in this area.
C |
Early research suggests that riboflavin treatment may lead to slight improvements in motor function, mental behavior, and diarrhea in patients with encephalopathy. Additional research is needed.
C |
Early research suggests that riboflavin treatment may lead to slight improvements in motor function, mental behavior, and diarrhea in patients with encephalopathy. Additional research is needed.
C |
Early research suggests that a combination of riboflavin and UV light applied directly to the eye may reduce the progression of keratoconus, a condition where the cornea degenerates. Additional research is needed in this area.
C |
Early research suggests that a combination of riboflavin and UV light applied directly to the eye may reduce the progression of keratoconus, a condition where the cornea degenerates. Additional research is needed in this area.
C |
Low riboflavin status may be associated with increased homocysteine (amino acid) levels in the blood. Riboflavin is commonly included in B vitamin supplements to reduce blood homocysteine levels in people with high homocysteine. Further studies are needed to clarify the relationship between riboflavin and homocysteine levels.
C |
Low riboflavin status may be associated with increased homocysteine (amino acid) levels in the blood. Riboflavin is commonly included in B vitamin supplements to reduce blood homocysteine levels in people with high homocysteine. Further studies are needed to clarify the relationship between riboflavin and homocysteine levels.
C |
In children with kwashiorkor, the effects of micronutrient supplementation have been studied. Research has shown, after taking a combination product containing high dose riboflavin, the number of people with kwashiorkor decreased. Further research is needed for firm conclusions to be made.
C |
In children with kwashiorkor, the effects of micronutrient supplementation have been studied. Research has shown, after taking a combination product containing high dose riboflavin, the number of people with kwashiorkor decreased. Further research is needed for firm conclusions to be made.
C |
It remains unclear if riboflavin supplementation affects malarial infections. Additional research is needed in this area.
C |
It remains unclear if riboflavin supplementation affects malarial infections. Additional research is needed in this area.
C |
Riboflavin has been studied for migraine prevention and treatment. An effect was lacking in preventing migraines in children. The evidence for riboflavin use in adults is unclear and further research is required.
C |
Riboflavin has been studied for migraine prevention and treatment. An effect was lacking in preventing migraines in children. The evidence for riboflavin use in adults is unclear and further research is required.
C |
Limited research has reported an association between low riboflavin levels and an increased risk of pre-eclampsia (high blood pressure in pregnancy). However, it is unclear if low riboflavin levels are a cause or result of this condition, or if additional supplementation is needed in pregnant women at risk of pre-eclampsia or eclampsia (beyond the routine use of prenatal vitamins). Additional research is needed.
C |
Limited research has reported an association between low riboflavin levels and an increased risk of pre-eclampsia (high blood pressure in pregnancy). However, it is unclear if low riboflavin levels are a cause or result of this condition, or if additional supplementation is needed in pregnant women at risk of pre-eclampsia or eclampsia (beyond the routine use of prenatal vitamins). Additional research is needed.
C | * Key to grades
A: Strong scientific evidence for this use B: Good scientific evidence for this use C: Unclear scientific evidence for this use D: Fair scientific evidence for this use (it may not work) F: Strong scientific evidence against this use (it likley does not work)
| * Key to grades
A: Strong scientific evidence for this use B: Good scientific evidence for this use C: Unclear scientific evidence for this use D: Fair scientific evidence for this use (it may not work) F: Strong scientific evidence against this use (it likley does not work)
| Tradition / Theory
The below uses are based on tradition, scientific theories, or limited research. They often have not been thoroughly tested in humans, and safety and effectiveness have not always been proven. Some of these conditions are potentially serious, and should be evaluated by a qualified healthcare provider. There may be other proposed uses that are not listed below.
Adults (18 years and older)
- The U.S. Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) for adults is 1 milligram for female adolescents (14-18 years old); 1.3 milligrams for male adolescents (14-18 years old); 1.1 milligrams for female adults (older than 18 years); 1.3 milligrams for male adults (older than 18 years); 1.4 milligrams for pregnant women (any age); and 1.6 milligrams for breastfeeding women (any age).
- Good dietary sources of riboflavin are milk and other dairy products, eggs, enriched cereals/grains, meats, liver, and green vegetables, such as asparagus or broccoli. Riboflavin is easily destroyed by exposure to light (for example, riboflavin in milk stored in clear glass bottles).
- For anemia, 1 milligram has been taken by mouth daily for two months, in combination with iron and/or folate and 5 milligrams has been taken by mouth twice daily for eight weeks.
- For cancer prevention, 80 milligrams has been taken by mouth weekly for up to 20 months and 5 milligrams has been taken by mouth daily for up to nine years.
- For cognitive function, 25 milligrams has been taken by mouth daily lacking evidence of benefit.
- For hyperhomocysteinemia (high blood homocysteine), 1.6 milligrams has been taken by mouth daily for 12 weeks.
- For migraine, 200-400 milligrams has been taken by mouth daily for up to three months. 25 milligram dose has also been taken by mouth for three months.
- For pre-eclampsia, 15 milligrams has been taken by mouth daily for an unknown duration.
- For riboflavin deficiency (ariboflavinosis), doses of up to 25 milligrams have been taken by mouth daily for up to 12 weeks. 0.6-1.2 milligrams have been taken by mouth daily for up to 12 months.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration does not strictly regulate herbs and supplements. There is no guarantee of strength, purity or safety of products, and effects may vary. You should always read product labels. If you have a medical condition, or are taking other drugs, herbs, or supplements, you should speak with a qualified healthcare provider before starting a new therapy. Consult a healthcare provider immediately if you experience side effects.
Interactions with Drugs
- Riboflavin may interact with agents for skin disorders, agents for the heart, agents for worm infections, agents that increase sensitivity to the sun, alcohol, Alzheimer's agents, antibiotics, anticancer agents, anticholinergics, antifungal agents, antimalarial agents, antiseizure agents, antithyroid therapy, bone agents, chlorpromazine, contraceptives (birth control), diuretics (thiazide), exercise performance enhancement agents, iron salts, nervous system agents, phenobarbital, phenothiazine, probenecid, stomach and intestine agents, tamoxifen, or tricyclic antidepressants (such as amitriptyline and imipramine).
This information is based on a systematic review of scientific literature edited and peer-reviewed by contributors to the Natural Standard Research Collaboration (www.naturalstandard.com).
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