Juice therapy

Related Terms

Ayurveda, beet, carrot, celery, cucumber, dhatues, grapefruit, grape, juicing, lemon, lettuce, natural healing methods, peach, pineapple, potato, radish, sour apple, sour cherry, spinach, tomatoes.


Juice therapy was introduced to the United States in the 1970s. It is the consumption of only juices from fresh fruits and vegetables. Juice therapy has long been a component of the 5,000 year-old tradition of Ayurveda. Ayurveda was a traditional system of medicine that originated in India. In this system, juices were used to fortify body tissues, or "dhatues." Practitioners of Ayurveda believed that stress and emotional imbalance could cause the malabsorption of necessary nutrients. Doctors in this field would commonly prescribe juices to strengthen the weak tissues in an attempt to cure conditions such as anemia, constipation and arthritis.
Naturopathic physicians (NDs), who treat patients with combinations of natural healing methods, may use juice therapy to treat some medical conditions.

Theory / Evidence

Juice therapy is based on the idea that optimal nutrition does not take much time or energy to digest. Proponents of juice therapy believe that the body has more energy to devote to healing and repairing if it does not have to digest a meal that is high in fat and protein.
Proponents also believe that juice can help repair the body since fruits and vegetables are high in vitamins, minerals, trace elements, enzymes and natural sugars. In addition, juices contain an abundance of alkaline elements, which may help to normalize the acid-base balance in the blood and tissues.
Specific juices have been used for certain ailments. For example, grapes, tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots, potatoes and spinach are used to treat acne. Grapefruit, pineapple, lemon, celery, carrot, lettuce and spinach are reported to help patients with arteriosclerosis. Sour cherry, pineapple, sour apple, lemon, grapefruit, cucumber, beet, carrot, potato, lettuce and spinach are used to treat arthritis. Lemon, pineapple, peach, carrot, radish and celery are used to treat asthma.
However, more research is needed to draw firm conclusions about the beneficial health effects of juice therapy.

Author information

This information has been edited and peer-reviewed by contributors to the Natural Standard Research Collaboration (www.naturalstandard.com).


Bakhru HK. Raw juice therapy.
Heun E. [Fruit juice therapy in general practice.] Med Klin (Munich). 1952 Jun 13;47(24):813-6.
Heun E. [Raw vegetable and fruit juice therapy.] Ther Ggw. 1952;91(12):441-46.
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