Green coffee

Related Terms

2-Methoxy-3-(2-methylpropyl)-pyrazine, 2-methoxy-4-vinylphenol, 2-methoxy-5-vinylphenol, 2-methylbutanoic acid, 3-isobutyl-2-methoxypyrazine, 3-methyl butanoic acid, 3-methyl butanol, 3-methylbut-2-enoyl disaccharides, 3-methylbut-2-enoyl-1-O-beta-D-glucopyranosyl-beta-D-apiofuranoside, 3-methylbutanoic acid, 3-methylbutanoyl disaccharides, 3-methylbutanoyl-1-O-beta-D-glucopyranosyl-beta-D-apiofuranoside, 3-methylbutanoyl-6-O-alpha-D-glucopyranosyl-beta-D-fructofuranoside, 4-hydroxy-3-methylacetophenone, 5-caffeoylquinic acid (5-CQA), 5-chlorogenic acid (5-CGA), 5-hydroxymethyl-2-furfural, 5-hydroxymethyl-2-furoic acid, acrylamide, alanine, alpha-dicarbonyl compounds, alpha-galactosidase, arabinogalactans, asparagine, benzoic acids, bornesitol, caffeic acid, caffeine, caffeoylquinic acid (CQA), calcium, catechin, catechols, chicoric acid, chlorinated hydrocarbons, chlorogenic acid (CA, CGA), chlorogenic acid lactones, cinnamoylquinides, Coffea arabica, Coffea canephora, Coffea robusta, coffee berry, coffee cherry, coffeeberry, CoffeeSlender?, diacetyl, dicaffeoylquinic acid, dihydrocaffeic acid, dihydroferulic acid, epicatechin, ferulic acid, feruloylquinic acid, furan, galactomannans, gallic acid, glyoxal, green coffee bean extract (GCBE), green coffee extract (GCE), hexanol, hippuric acid, hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), hydroxycinnamates, hydroxycinnamic acid, hydroxyhydroquinone (HHQ), iron, isoferulic acid, lignans, magnesium, Maillard reaction products, mannitol, m-coumaric acid, melanoidins, methylglyoxal, methylxanthine, myo-inositol, nicotinic acid (niacin), N-methylpyridinium, ochratoxin-A (OTA), phenyl ethyl alcohol, phenylpropionic acids, phytochemicals, polyalcohols, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, polyphenols, premelanoidins, protocatechuic acid, quinic acid, quinides, raw coffee, rho-coumaric acid, rho-hydroxybenzoic acid, selenium, sinapic acid, sulfur, Svetol?, tannic acid, tannins, theobromine, theophylline, trigonelline, tryptamine, unroasted coffee, vanillic acid, volatile Maillard reaction products (vMRPs).


"Green coffee" refers to the raw, unroasted seeds (beans) of Coffea fruits. Green coffee beans are cleaned, dried, roasted, ground, and brewed to produce the popular beverage coffee. The main Coffea species used for beverage production are Coffea arabica and Coffea canephora (synonym, Coffea robusta).
Coffee is a popular source of caffeine. However, it also contains many other components that are believed to have health benefits, such as lowering blood sugar levels. These components include chlorogenic acid, quinides, lignans, and trigonelline.
Studies suggest that caffeinated coffee consumption may increase blood pressure and potentially increase the risk of heart disease. However, these results were not found to be true of decaffeinated coffee, and some trials found that chlorogenic acid may actually lower blood pressure. Researchers believe that the differing effects of roasted and raw coffee are due to a compound called hydroxyhydroquinone (HHQ), which is created from the roasting process and may block the beneficial effects of chlorogenic acid on blood pressure.
Scientists believe that genes and gender may play a role in determining how people respond to chlorogenic acid. One study found that coffee consumption led to better insulin sensitivity in women, but not in men. However, further research is needed in order to better understand these findings.

Evidence Table

These uses have been tested in humans or animals. Safety and effectiveness have not always been proven. Some of these conditions are potentially serious, and should be evaluated by a qualified healthcare provider. GRADE *
These uses have been tested in humans or animals. Safety and effectiveness have not always been proven. Some of these conditions are potentially serious, and should be evaluated by a qualified healthcare provider. GRADE *

Some studies found that chlorogenic acid in green coffee extract may lower blood pressure. More studies are needed before further conclusions can be made.


Some studies found that chlorogenic acid in green coffee extract may lower blood pressure. More studies are needed before further conclusions can be made.


Coffee consumption has been linked to increased blood pressure and higher levels of homocysteine, which are risk factors for heart disease. Further studies are needed to better understand this link.


Coffee consumption has been linked to increased blood pressure and higher levels of homocysteine, which are risk factors for heart disease. Further studies are needed to better understand this link.


Studies suggest that coffee may improve blood sugar levels and reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes. More evidence is needed to understand the benefits of each component in green coffee, as well as long-term effects.


Studies suggest that coffee may improve blood sugar levels and reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes. More evidence is needed to understand the benefits of each component in green coffee, as well as long-term effects.


Green coffee extract may improve weight in obese people. However, there is conflicting evidence, and more research is needed to confirm this benefit.


Green coffee extract may improve weight in obese people. However, there is conflicting evidence, and more research is needed to confirm this benefit.

* Key to grades

A: Strong scientific evidence for this use
B: Good scientific evidence for this use
C: Unclear scientific evidence for this use
D: Fair scientific evidence for this use (it may not work)
F: Strong scientific evidence against this use (it likley does not work)
* Key to grades

A: Strong scientific evidence for this use
B: Good scientific evidence for this use
C: Unclear scientific evidence for this use
D: Fair scientific evidence for this use (it may not work)
F: Strong scientific evidence against this use (it likley does not work)

Tradition / Theory

The below uses are based on tradition, scientific theories, or limited research. They often have not been thoroughly tested in humans, and safety and effectiveness have not always been proven. Some of these conditions are potentially serious, and should be evaluated by a qualified healthcare provider. There may be other proposed uses that are not listed below.


Adults (18 years and older)
To reduce the risk of heart disease, a green coffee extract beverage containing 140 milligrams of chlorogenic acid has been taken by mouth daily for four months.
To improve blood sugar levels, 0.9 grams of Svetol? green coffee extract, 10 grams of CoffeeSlender? coffee, and 25 grams of sugar have been added to water and taken by mouth. One Svetol? tablet containing 200 milligrams of green coffee extract has been taken by mouth three times daily for 40 days.
To treat high blood pressure, 46 milligrams, 93 milligrams, and 185 milligrams of green coffee have been taken by mouth once daily for 28 days. A dose of 70-280 milligrams of chlorogenic acid has been taken by mouth daily for 12 weeks.
To manage obesity, 200 milligrams of Svetol? green coffee extract in 2,200 milligram sachets of caffeinated CoffeeSlender? coffee has been taken by mouth five times daily for 12 weeks.


The U.S. Food and Drug Administration does not strictly regulate herbs and supplements. There is no guarantee of strength, purity or safety of products, and effects may vary. You should always read product labels. If you have a medical condition, or are taking other drugs, herbs, or supplements, you should speak with a qualified healthcare provider before starting a new therapy. Consult a healthcare provider immediately if you experience side effects.


Interactions with Drugs
Green coffee extract may lower blood sugar levels. Caution is advised when using medications that may also lower blood sugar. People taking insulin or drugs for diabetes by mouth should be monitored closely by a qualified healthcare professional, including a pharmacist. Medication adjustments may be necessary.
Green coffee extract may cause low blood pressure. Caution is advised in people taking drugs that lower blood pressure.
Green coffee extract may also interact with agents that may reduce anxiety, antibiotics, anticancer agents, anticholinergics (agents that may block nerve impulses), antifungals, anti-inflammatories, antiobesity agents, antivirals, beta-blockers, calcium salts, cholesterol-lowering agents, cholinergic agonists (agents that may enhance nerve impulses), and iron salts.


This information is based on a systematic review of scientific literature edited and peer-reviewed by contributors to the Natural Standard Research Collaboration (


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