
Related terms

Brand Names: U.S.: BCG Vaccine;TheraCys?;TICE? BCG
Brand Names: Canada: BCG Vaccine;ImmuCyst?;OncoticeT


It is used to treat bladder cancer.
It is used to stop TB (tuberculosis).
BCG is used to stop TB (tuberculosis) infection.
It harms cancer cells causing their death.


How to take
Bladder cancer treatment:
It is given into the bladder.
You will need to try to keep this drug in your bladder for up to 2 hours, but no longer than 2 hours. Keep a note of how long you were able to hold it so you can tell your nurse or doctor at your next visit.
It is most often given once a week for 6 weeks.
Drink lots of noncaffeine liquids unless told to drink less liquid by your doctor.
Use the same toilet each time you use the bathroom in your home. Sit down on the toilet to urinate to keep urine from splashing or spraying.
Before flushing, add 1 cup of bleach to the urine. Wait 15 minutes, then flush. Do this for the first 6 hours after BCG is given.
It is given as a shot into the skin.

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