Nigella sativa

Black seed/Nutrient Depletion:

  • Blood glucoseBlood glucose: Based on human study (124) and animal diabetic models, improved glucose tolerance and reduced blood glucose has been shown in animal diabetic models (115; 48; 116; 117; 118; 119; 120; 121; 122; 123; 142). Crushed seeds and oil lowered blood glucose in human study (273).
  • LipidsLipids: Based on human study, black seed oil was shown to modulate lipid levels (5; 124). Based on animal study, Nigella sativa or thymoquinone has been shown to protect against induced increases in or to reduce cholesterol levels (66; 125; 126; 127; 74; 128; 129; 142; 278; 130).
  • MineralsMinerals: Based on animal study, Nigella sativa seed extract increased diuresis and urinary excretion of Cl, Na, and K (50). Based on animal study, Nigella sativa injection decreased elevated serum K and Ca levels (274).
  • ProteinProtein: Based on animal study, Nigella sativa suppressed doxorubicin-induced proteinuria and albuminuria (74).