
Polydextrose/Nutrient Depletion:

  • CalciumCalcium: Based on a review, polydextrose may increase absorption and urinary excretion of calcium (38).
  • GlucoseGlucose: In humans, polydextrose did not inhibit glucose absorption (46). In clinical research, an aspartame-polydextrose and unsweetened polydextrose 3g tablet did not have a significant effect on cephalic-phase insulin release (CPIR), or plasma glucagon or fatty acid concentrations; however, there was a significant decrease in plasma glucose and insulin (39). Patients who consumed 12g of polydextrose plus 50g of glucose experienced a glycemic index of 89% (compared with a glycemic index of 100% after ingestion of 50g of glucose) (7). In other clinical research, changes in fasting plasma glucose concentrations or postprandial glycemia in patients taking polydextrose were not reported; however, there was a marginal but significant increase in glycosylated hemoglobin A1(c) (41). Other studies in animals also suggest that polydextrose may affect blood glucose levels (42).
  • LipidsLipids: In animal research, polydextrose caused a dose-dependent decrease in lymph flow in the mesenteric lymph, which resulted in larger amounts of both triglyceride and cholesterol remaining in the lumen (43). In clinical study, the metabolism of HDL cholesterol and its major proteins, apo A-I and A-II, were selectively affected by polydextrose administration in healthy adults; however, total cholesterol, triglycerides, and LDL cholesterol serum levels were not affected (40). In clinical research, the total-to-HDL cholesterol ratio decreased significantly, and fasting HDL cholesterol concentration increased significantly in patients who ingested polydextrose (41).